The Cat's Meow – What Your Pet's Voice Tell Us About Their Health

The Cats Meow

The character of your pet's vocalizations and how talkative they are can give us indications of their overall health as well as what organs are more likely to be meeting challenges if they are becoming unwell.

The silent meow – cats that have lost the strength of their meow and little to no sound comes out when they make the motions of a meow are showing signs of depletion or a deficient state. We often see this in older kitties. It is a sign that they need some extra support and tonification, often of the kidneys and digestive organs. In dogs, a similar state tends to create a raspy bark.

Singing at the water bowl – cats that meow at their water are often showing signs of kidney weakness or disease.

The night-time yowl, bark or howl – Night time restlessness and increased vocalizations in the middle of the night is a sign of imbalance the heart and kidneys. In cats, this may also be sign of hyperthyroidism (in which the kidneys, heart and liver are imbalanced). As in humans, this can often be associated with cognitive decline in any animal.

Talkativeness – changes in how talkative your pet is can be a sign of imbalances or discomfort. Some animals will become more talkative if something is bothering them, while others will become quieter. In general, loquacity is seen in excess individuals and when there is more congestion. This is a common pattern with liver issues. Silence is more likely in deficient individuals with organ weaknesses.

The character of sounds our voice makes correlates with different organs of the body. In humans, the following associations are seen:

Singing – Stomach, spleen, pancreas;
Crying – lungs, large intestines;
Groaning/husky voice – kidneys, urinary bladder;
Shouting – liver, gall bladder;
Laughing – heart, small intestines, pericardium, triple heater. 

Anytime you notice a change in your pet's voice, they should be checked by your veterinarian for signs of illness. Even when no obvious cause is seen, the way in which the voice has changed and its character can be used to learn what needs to be supported for balance to return to the body. Your pet's usual voice and character of vocalizations inform the holistic practitioner on many aspects of their health. Combined with other methods of identifying imbalances at an early stage, paying attention to the voice can help us support your pet's maximum health and avoid progression of any mild imbalances to the state of pathological disease.

We recommend a yearly holistic consultation in healthy pets to identify any early imbalances and correct them with gentle means. We will also teach you how you can best support your pet's specific constitutional type through diet, exercise and more. Join our Pawsitively Radiant Program and give your pets all the benefits of holistic preventive care. Maintaining excellent health for your pets keeps them from the hassle of being sick and gives you both more time for fun together.

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